Cooperation is a central building block for our research and development activities. We rely on international scientific exchange, strong specialist communities and scientific and economic connectivity. Together we develop, test and verify strategies, solutions and products for science. We use the insights and results gained in our service portfolio - forward-looking and reliable for our customers.

ArCHOThe research cooperation between the research program “History of the Max Planck Society” (GMPG) based at the Max Planck Institiute for History of Science in Berlin and the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) has the goal of creating the scientific concepts and requirements for building a sustainable infrastructure that enables the long-term archiving of research data. Learn more
European Persistent Identifier Consortium (for eResearch) (EPIC)
	<p>The European Persistent Identifier Consortium (EPIC) was founded in 2009. It currently

has nine members who are committed to the development and operation of infrastructures in the field of persistent identifiers, or PID for short. The GWDG is a founding member.

The aim of the consortium is to support researchers and research data management with a PID system for creating, processing and resolving PIDs. The growing volume of research data, with its ever-increasing complexity, presents tools and scientists with the challenge of being able to handle this data productively. In addition to setting up and operating the PID system, the focus is also on realising high performance and user-friendliness.

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Göttingen eResearch Alliance (eRA)
	<p>The Göttingen eResearch Alliance is a dedicated research supporting unit for the

Göttingen Campus. Its work focuses on assisting researchers with issues and questions arising from the progressing digitalization of the entire research process. Thereby it aims to enhance the scientific progress and capabilities of research teams and individual researchers.

Sustainable and reliable support and services aligned with data policies and requirements from the university and research funding organisations have become increasingly important for most research processes. In order to address these requirements, the Göttingen eResearch Alliance offers cover various aspects of managing information and research data throughout the research cycle, ranging from project planning over data collection and analysis to publishing and archiving data and results:

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	<p>The German-Japanese university consortium HeKKSaGOn is an alliance of the Universities Göttingen and Heidelberg and the

Karlsruher Institute of Technologie (KIT) with three Japanese universities: Kyoto University, Osaka University and Tohoku University in Sendai. HeKKSaGOn stands for Heidelberg - Kyoto - Karlsruhe - Sendai - Göttingen - Osaka - network. A corresponding declaration of cooperation was signed in 2010.

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Humanities Data Centre (HDC)
	The Humanities Data Centre (HDC) provides a sustainable storage and presentation of digital research in the humanities

and enables its networking and subsequent use. In addition, the HDC supports the humanities through consulting and training services. The HDC is jointly operated by Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (SUB) and the GWDG. We provide the necessary infrastructure and are mainly responsible for the application achriving service. With this, research results such as web forms for database access can be operated in the long term in a secure environment while reducin administration to a minimum.

	<p><img alt="Hekksagon Logo" src="/img/logos/hdc_logo.png"></p>
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	<p>The collaboration of <a href="">MIT BioMAN</a>, GWDG as well as the industrial

partner Sartorius aims to improve the knowledge of certain chemical compounds, the so-called Extractables & Leachables (E&L). In the manufacturing process of drugs and products, components and substances form a complex interrelationship. A comprehensive risk assessment and process qualification for E&L substances are required to ensure product safety and meet regulatory requirements. The collaborating partners are trying to create a shared data source that simplifies access to E&L information and provides standards for the biopharmaceutical industry.

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National Reserach Data Infrastructure (NFDI)The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) aims to improve the infrastructure for research data and ensure Germany’s data sovereignty. The GWDG is participating with infrastructure and service offerings as well as expertise. Learn more about the different consortia and our involvement. Learn more

NFDI-Consortium for Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental Data (NFDI4Biodiversity)

NFDI4Biodiversity is a consortium under the umbrella of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) dedicated to the mobilising biodiversity and environmental data for collective use.

The partners pool their scientific and technical expertise to provide a broad service portfolio for handling biodiversity and environmental data and to develop it further in close cooperation with users from research and practice. The consortium consists of Partners include close to 50 scientific institutions, museums, natural history societies, state offices, and other institutes and expert groups.

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National Research Data Infrastructure for and with Computer Science

NFDIxCS is a consortium that deals with the handling of data in computer science. In the context of computer science, data, software, contexts, metadata and documentation are elements of research data. The guiding principle is the development of an organisational and technical, cooperative and interoperable infrastructure in order to bundle existing relevant services and players from and for computer science.

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	<p>Language and text-based research data are of outstanding importance in many disciplines in the humanities. Initially

with the data domains Collections, Lexical Resources and Editions, Text+ addresses the requirements of a wide range of research fields that are based on a long research tradition. These data domains are linked to mature methodological paradigms that require distinctive, but also cross-disciplinary data generation, curation, and data management practices.

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