The GöHAT is a monthly meeting on the first Thursday of the month at 9:30 to give a place for a free and informal meeting between admins of different data centers. These meetings are open to anyone, regardless of your expertise on HPC, we welcome everyone. Our aim with these events is to support the HPC admin community, in particular

  • support networking between the admins,
  • and share plans and get feedback,
  • share experiences with (new) software, setups or hardware.

Each event aims to have a short focus session for 5-10 minutes in the beginning. The topics can be about anything from interesting use cases, challenging issues, to new software features or workflow engines. Or even if you just want to show off a cool (job-)script. Hence, we invite everyone to contribute to these topics. If you want to give such a small presentation or request one about a specific topic, please let us know.

The rest of the meeting is open to discussions, problem-solving, and well, coffee. You will find a list of sessions with their discussed topics and slides in the table below. If you have any further questions, please reach out to our community manager Christoph Hottenroth.

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General Information

Date:: First Thursday of the month Time: 9:30 Venue: online (BBB)


February 1st, 2024 Topic: HPC Monitoring in the GWDG - Present and Future (Marcus Merz)

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